Wildlife gardening with Garden designer, Nicola Baldwin of HerOutdoorz Garden Design

“At the heart of my business is a true love of outdoor spaces. I design landscapes that respond to the seasons, that my clients love and that benefit the world around them."

Nicola Baldwin, HerOutdoorz Garden Design

Beautiful. Practical. Seasonal. Inspiring. Beneficial.

  • landscaping designer, Hand drawn Garden plans

    Landscape Garden Design

    I offer bespoke garden design to transform gardens and landscapes, from planning to planting. Creating beautiful spaces that meet the needs, styles and personalities of my clients as well as adding value to nature.

  • Nature Writing

    I write uplifting and inspiring articles that tap into nature, the seasonality of the land and the garden - a writer of the outdoors. Working with the seasons means there’s always a new and interesting story to tell, of plants, wildlife, colour, trees, hedgerows, texture, folklore and tradition.

  • Art and Nature activities with Nic & Jen of the Colour Factory, WInchester

    Nature Inspired Workshops

    My workshops draw on my experience as a landscape designer, wildlife gardener and nature writer. They are designed to be fun, seasonal, educational and feel good. Often run in collaboration with artist Jenny Muncaster.

  • nature photography, frost on winter foliage

    Nature Captures

    I use my seasonal photography and illustrations to illuminate my words, to recreate a feeling and to show the beauty of nature in combination or closeup. My nature curations are a modern take on the nature table, I so fondly remember from school.

About Me…

As a child I spent a lot of time outside exploring, running, chatting, making mess and learning. But like many of us, as I grew up, I lost some of that connection to the outdoors. The necessity of earning a living, the convention of working inside, the ever-increasing move towards technology, time-pressed days and inclement weather all conspired to detach me from the natural world.

I’m a firm believer in the importance of reconnecting with the natural world. Not to step away from our 21st-century lives but rather to enhance and enjoy them more fully. Capturing that connection to the outdoors is the bedrock of my garden design, writing, workshops and photography.

nature writings, writing about nature.


— Albert Einstein

It starts by simply stepping outdoors.

I love being outdoors in nature, in gardens and in wild landscapes., whether I’m working, relaxing or walking the dog. Walking or working outside helps me get a perspective on things and I do some of my best thinking and problem solving outdoors.

Nature writers, Nicola Baldwin.

Learning to spot the details is a great way of connecting with nature. If you know a few seasonal things to look for when you step outdoors, then it makes the whole experience more enjoyable. This is the art of noticing and there’s so much inspiring stuff out there.

wildlife friendly garden

For me, an essential part of the nature noticing process is capturing seasonal moments. I take photos on my iPhone, write about my seasonal finds, make short nature films and keep a nature journal. Plus, I’m a big fan of the nature table, regularly curating my seasonal finds to share on social media.

Looking, learning and engaging with the rhythm of the seasons whether in your own garden or out in wider landscapes, leads to nature minding. Developing an appreciation of the wonders of the natural world and a desire to protect them. That’s why creating seasonal interest in the landscapes I design is really important to me.

wildlife gardening

you can join me as I step outdoors noticing nature and connecting with the seasons, in my nature journal here on my website and over on my social media

Artists and Nature.

in my free Nature Noticing Newsletter

Monthly sparks of joy

from HerOutdoorz

Get Outdoors, Get Inspired, Get Growing, Get creative with my FREE ‘Nature Noticing’ newsletter

  • Learn what to notice outdoors

    Discover seasonal magic, plant wonders, ancient land based tales and moon mysteries that connect you to the time of year and deepen your connection with nature.

  • Cultivate a garden haven

    Receive expert gardening advice, design tips, growing pointers and seasonal plant recommendations to transform your outdoor space into a thriving sanctuary.

  • Unlock new creative pursuits

    Be inspired by creative, seasonal projects and nature journaling tips. Join my nature inspired workshops and try seasonal recipes. Savour the season you’re in.

Visit my HerOutdoorz Seasonal Nature Journal…

Nicola Baldwin, garden designers near me

Happy to Contribute

I’m available for writing projects, guest posts on blogging platforms, press features & radio